We celebrate Holy Eucharist every Sunday at 10:00am. Join us in-person, or vitually via our Facebook Live-Stream.
Office Hours :: Monday-Friday, 8:00am-2:00pm :: Pastoral Care - 24 hours
For after-hours business issues please call Calvin Butler at 746-9697, or Percy Greenslade at 682-1180
Please email your kind donations to donations@allsaintsparish.ca
February 02, 2025 - The Presentation of the Lord
This is a light to reveal God to the nations and the glory of His people Israel. Luke 2: 32
Readings: Malachi 3: 1-4; Psalm 84; Hebrews 2: 14-18; Luke 2: 22-40
ACW Valentine Roast Beef Dinner and Cards
Please RSVP to reserve your dinner
Columbarium Niches Available for Pre-Sales
Click here to download a copy of our "All Saints CBS Cemetery Policies and Guidelines Booklet"
We Need Your Help Finding Old Photos
Back in 1928 the Mission of Foxtrap was raised to the status of a Parish. In that same year, Rev H.V. Whitehouse emphasized the need for us to build a new Church. This project was lead by a Mr William Henry Batten and a Mr Stevens, both from Bareneed, with most of the work completed by free labour.
Our corner stone was laid on June 07, 1931, with the first service being held on November 27, 1932.
If you have any photos of this construction, or early days, we ask if you could email them to communications@allsaintsparish.ca of call our Office at 709-834-4501, and we can arrange scanning and cataloguing them.
Now is a good time to consider signing up to our eGiving program, which is an excellent way to continue your financial support of your Parish. It is a very quick and easy process. The quickest and most convenient way is to complete this web-based form. As soon as you click the SEND button, your work is done, without even leaving your home! You may also download a
printable authorization form here, and when you have completed the form, you can email it to donations@allsaintsparish.ca or you can place it in our mail drop-slot, which is located at the top of the stairs, just to the left of the main entrance of our Parish Hall. If you have
any questions, please call our Office at 834-4501.
'Living with Grief' - Support Group
April 01 - May 20 |
2025 Offertory Envelopes

To read Rev Bill's full information letter and season schedule, click here.
CLB Meets Every Monday Evening
Prayer Chain Update

We are happy to announce that our "Prayer Chain" has been updated and our new coordinator is Linda McDonald.
The prayer chain is available to anyone who would like our prayer warriors to pray to our Heavenly Father on their behalf.
Confidentiality is of the utmost importance to us and to you. God's blessings to you all. "Carry one another's burdens." Galations 6:2
Prayer Chain Contacts: (Updated 250107)
- Selina Benson 834-5960
- Brenda Breen 834-7103 / 689-6317
- Jos Fagan 691-0929
- Aura Farrell 834-9384 / 682-3775
- Enid Haines 834-3778 / 682-9367
- Doris Halfyard 834-4416 / 682-2391
- Carol Kennedy 834-4063 / 687-5383
- Ruby Kennedy 743-0175 / 834-3566
- Madonna Lawrence 697-3897
- Linda MacDonald 834-1720 / 351-4008
- Violet Mason 834-3700
- Betty Rideout 749-4682
- Madonna Rideout 728-9104
Sowing Seeds and Growing Community
Click here to view Bishop Sam Rose letter.
Hall Rentals for Children’s Parties and Showers

Meet our All Saints CBS Choir
We are so proud of our All Saints CBS Choir. They have grown both in numbers and in chorus, and they add so much to our worship services. Kudos to them all, and thank-you Gloria for leading such a great Team.
Meet our Saints Alive Band
The members are, from left to right: Sandra Taylor (accordion), Shirley Noseworthy (guitar and vocals), Norman Noseworthy (guitar), Alvin Beck (guitar and vocals), Frank Hender (bass guitar), Percy Greenslade (guitar and vocal), and Jane Peach (harmonica)

A Shout-Out to our Rev Sam
This wonderful piece of original poetry is was recently composed by one of our octarian parishioners, who shall remain (almost) anonymous...
Consider Joining the "CBS CLB Old Comrades"
'The Anglican Journal' and 'Anglican Life'
The March edition of the national 'Anglican Journal' and Newfoundland's '
Anglican Life' are now available by clicking their links in red.
CBS/Paradise Food Bank
The CBS/Paradise Food Bank depends on your continued support to provide food to those in need. The following items are in great demand at this time: Sugar, Flour, Cake Mix, Cereal, Juices, Soup, Soup Mix, Spaghettios, and Kraft Dinner. If you wish to make a monetary donation, you may give as you are able, or simply email your donation to donations@allsaintsparish.ca. If you know of someone in need of assistance, they are to call the Food Bank at 834-2800.

Little People’s Church is our Sunday children’s program here at All Saints CBS, which includes conversations with the children while they are enjoying fun filled activities in our Chapel, such as coloring, making crafts, etc..
Little People’s Church is held each Sunday morning during our regular 10:00am service.
Family members are welcome to join the younger children in The Chapel during this period. For any youth or adults who may be interested in helping with this growing ministry, please contact Wendy Taylor, our Program Coordinator, at wentaylor64@gmail.com or 709-330-1053.
Video Vignette :: Cemetery #1 Heritage Site
As a part of our Cemetery Management Project, we are delighted to provide this wonderful video of our Cemetery #1 (click here) which is a designated Heritage Site, located on Oakes Lane.
Our sincere thanks to Ed O’Reilly for producing this fabulous vignette. As a fellow sailor, who has a passion for utilizing his drone to capture some of his sailing adventures, Ed has captured a number of wonderful sites and events around our great province. His videos can be viewed at youtube.com/@EdOReilly
Parish Hall Available for Rentals
Our Parish Hall is available for any and all types of rental requirements - Wedding, Birthday Parties, Social Events, Business Events, Clinics and Seminars, etc...
We encourage you to pass this along to family, friends, and any business associates that you feel might have a need that we can fill.
To make a booking for your event, please call our Parish Office at 709-834-4501, or email us at office@allsaintsparish.ca. Click here to view our rental brochure.
Do we have your eMail address ??
eMail has become one of the safest and quickest ways for our Parish to keep you informed about what's happening in our busy Parish. If we do not already have you email address on file, and you are not regularly receiving your personal copy of 'The Candle', or our other bulletins and information updates, we would love to add you to our distribution list.
Please email it to communications@allsaintsparish.ca, or simply please click here to complete our online email registration form.
Alongsiders' Monthly Prayer Schedule
Our Alongsider's Team would like to make their current monthly prayer services available to you simply by clicking here. To visit all past issues click
Alongsiders are members of our Parish who, due to circumstances of sickness, mobility, age, etc., can not physically attend a worship service at our Church. However, they still want to be part of the worship, and where possible, to help from home. The Alongsiders program accomplishes this. Each month, a service for each Sunday is prayerfully put together, similar to the in-Church service, and is then delivered to each Parishioner as part of a home visit. A vital part of our ministry is ‘praying alongside’ our brothers and sisters in Christ. Currently we have 14 members in the Parish of All Saints.
Join One of Our Many Ministry Teams
All Saints has witnessed many changes in our Church over the past three years, and in our efforts to move forward within our “new normal”, we are hoping to rebuild our numerous groups and ministries. Each Team provides an opportunity for fun and fellowship. We look forward to seeing you as a member of one of these wonderful Ministerial Teams: Altar Guild, Communications, Eucharist Assistant, Funeral Reception, Lectern Reader, Liturgical Planner, Offertory Counter, Server (must be confirmed), Sides Person, Greeter, and many more. Simply call our Office at 834-4501 or email us at office@allsaintsparish.ca. You may also visit our website at
allsaintsparish.ca to complete our
online form, or download the form for printing and completion, which you can then drop in a collection plate or at the Parish Office.
Join Our Servers Team
We are inviting anyone who is confirmed, and who is interested in becoming a server, including all former servers, to join our revived Server Team. For further information, please contact Gerry Fagan 834-5303 or Joanne Simfukwe 682-8103.
All Saints Communications Team
We just wanted to remind you that we have a “Communications Team” in place at All Saints. We all need to be mindful that the lines of communication must be kept open so that all information gets broadcasted by whatever tools we have available to us in our Parish. If you feel something needs to be addressed by our Communications Team, please feel free to send us an email, and we will attempt to address it in a timely manner, or perhaps get it out there through The Candle, our FaceBook page, our Webpage, or our Roadside Bulletin Board. Our e-mail address is communications@allsaintsparish.ca
Birthday Sunday - 1st Sunday Every Month
Out traditional “Birthday Sunday”, which is held on the first Sunday of every month, has returned.
This is a time when we as a Parish Family acknowledge all those who are celebrating a birthday in the new month. So if you know of someone celebrating a birthday, let us know, and we will post it on our live stream on that Birthday Sunday.
Holy Baptism – 2nd Sunday of Every Month
We are delighted to announce that Holy Baptism is now a part of our regular Sunday morning service on the second Sunday off every month.
This is a great opportunity to welcome new families into our Parish as we ‘Pass the Light’ to these young children.
Anglican Life is the Tri-Diocesan newspaper for the three dioceses across Newfoundland & Labrador. Click here to read a story about All Saints Parish CBS in the January 2023 digital edition. Your subscription will get you (1) stories and photographs from our many contributors; (2) regular and guest columnists providing spiritual and thought-provoking insight on a variety of topics; (3) and your subscription includes The Anglican Journal, the newspaper for the Anglican Church of Canada, bringing you news from across the country and beyond. If you are a member of one of our congregations, you can receive the Church’s newspaper for free by emailing anglicanlifenl@gmail.com or by calling Rev Fred Marshall, Officer of the Anglican Joint Committee, at 709)-727-4346. (221106)
Men's Fellowship Group

We are delighted to announce that our Men’s Fellowship group has returned, and we invite others to please join us monthly in our Parish Hall for some renewed fun and fellowship.
If you have any questions, please contact Percy Greenslade at 682-1180
PWRDF - Ukraine Effort

Ever since the war in Ukraine began on February 24, over five million Ukrainians have been forced to flee their country for safety.
You can help PWRDF to support Ukrainians with your donations, either by dropping it in our collection plate or our secure dropbox, or by eTransfer to donations@allsaintsparish.ca.
Please be sure to indicate to us that your donation it is for Ukraine.
Join Our Live Streaming Team
There are a growing number of Parishioners, as well as non-Parishioners who depend on our live streaming in order to participate in regular Sunday worship. We have grown to the stage that we now need to expand beyond our current Team members. If you are able to help us with this very rewarding ministry, we would love to have you on our Team. It is not as complicated as you might think, so there is no need to feel intimidated just because you have never been involved in broadcasting before. Neither were we!!!! We will sit with you while you get up to speed, and feel comfortable on your own. If you are able to help in any way, we would very much love to hear from you. Just drop us a note at communications@allsaintsparish.ca
The Candle - Our Weekly Newsletter
For many years now, our Parish has published our weekly information bulletin, The Candle, that was handed out at each Sunday service. It was our way to keep our Parishioners informed about what was happening in our Parish, and a medium to seek support when we needed it.
The Candle, like most other things these days, is now shared digitally, and can be found not only on our website, but we also attempt to email it to those for whom we have contact information for. To get added to that distribution list, simply
click here to send us your details.
We would also like to ask you that if you have any items you would like to share, such as birthday greetings (oh how we miss the fun spirit of our Birthday Sundays) or anniversaries, or even an article that you may have seen or read that you feel others might enjoy, please feel free to pass them along to communications@allsaintsparish.ca. Together we can start "feeling together" once more - if not in body, then in spirit.
Also, as you will note when you read The Candle, you have the opportunity to bring special attention to a loved one by actually sponsoring The Candle for a given week, or even place a full page memorial, complete with a picture.
Anglican Journal
Click here to view the January 2021edition of the Anglican Journal. It contains a couple of interesting articles regarding transformations within the Church, and the use of digital technology. The Anglican Journal is the national newspaper of the Anglican Church of Canada. Editorially independent, the Journal publishes news, features and opinion related to Anglicanism and religion in Canada and abroad. Click
here to view the General Synod Weekly
Frequently Used Links

The Book of Alternative Services (BAS). The contemporary, inclusive-language liturgical book used alongside the Book of Common Prayer (1962) (BCP) in most parishes of the Anglican Church of Canada.
The Book of Common Prayer (BCP). The short title of a number of related prayer books used in the Anglican Communion, as well as by other Christian churches historically related to Anglicanism.
Rev Sam's Reflections
Christmas Greetings December 2020 ::
Kindness is Contagious 200610 ::
Give Back - Pay It Forward 200516
Letters from the Bishop of ENL
Bishop's Christmas Pastoral Letter 2023
Bishop's Advent Letter 2023